Automotive Service Technician

Preparing to write the Certification of Qualification Exam 310S?
Taught by an industry experienced and related trade-certified instructor, this theory based course includes topic review as well as offers practice on answering sample examination questions. The course is designed to help students better understand the type of test questions and the relative weight of the subject matter.
Course Features
- Schedule 0
- Quizzes 0
- Category 3 hours
- Accreditation All level
- Articulations English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
The course offers a review of the following topics:
- Occupational Health and Safety practices
- Engine system, engine management system, fuel delivery system
- Electrical system: starting and charging, body electrical
- Fuel delivery systems, exhaust, intake and emission control systems
- Transmission and clutches, drive shafts, differentials and drive axle assemblies, transfer case, tires, wheels, rims and hubs.
- Suspension systems and frames, steering systems, braking systems
- Heating, ventilation & air conditioning, body and trim.
Admission Requirements
- Registration is open to anyone 18 years of age or older.
This is a theory course and is recommended for persons with related trade experience.