Industrial Electrician-Pre-Qualification Training

Preparing to write the Certification of Qualification Exam 442A?
Taught by an industry experienced and related trade-certified instructor, this theory based course includes topic review as well as offers practice on answering sample examination questions.
Course Features
- Schedule 0
- Quizzes 0
- Category 3 hours
- Accreditation All level
- Articulations English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
Program Overview
The course offers a review of the following topics:
- Electronic Controls 1
- Electronic Controls 2
- Electronic Controls 3
- Motors 1
- Motors 2
- Power Distribution and Control
- Electricity 1
- Electricity 2
- Electrical Equipment
- Low Voltage DistributionSystem
- Industrial instrument & Devices
- Microprocessor Based Systems
- Individual/Group Motor Calculations
- Wiring methods, Electronics AC/DC motor Theory and Control
- Power Distribution/Generating Systems
- Conductors and Ampacity Calculations
- Over Current Protection, Transformers
- Predictive Maintenance
- Basic Electricity and Electrical Safety
Admission Requirements
- Registration is open to anyone 18 years of age or older.
This is a theory course and is recommended for persons with related trade experience.